User Behavior in Using Mobile Commerce (Scale Development: Perspective of Trust and Risk)


  • Setiawan Assegaff STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa
  • Jasmir Jasmir STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa
  • Dodo Zaenal Abidin STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa
  • Sharipuddin Sharipuddin STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa


Kata Kunci:

User Behavior, Mobile Commerce, Trust, Risk


The aim of ours research is to explore the relation between the elements of trust and risk and their impact on consumer behavior in the intention of use of mobile commerce services based on sales. The final goal of this research is to understand consumer behavior in the use of mobile commerce application services in Indonesia by considering the elements of trust and risk in consumer behavior. Finding from previous research have revealed that trust and risk is one of the critical aspects in the use of e-commerce services. This article focus is to discuss the development stages of research instruments development to be used in next survey agenda. By applying Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a theoretical basis of a conceptual model and the research instrument was developed. Models and instruments then validated through a pilot study involving 75 students as respondents. Survey data were analyzed via Smart-PLS software version 2 to ensure reliability level and validity of the instrument. This study resulted in a validated instrument that will be used to collect data from actual surveys

Biografi Penulis

Setiawan Assegaff, STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa

Setiawan Assegaff was born in T.Karang, Indonesia. He is PhD Information System holder from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. His special fields of interest included Knowledge Management, Knowledge Sharing Behavior, Virtual Communities, Social Media Value, E-Commerce, Technology Adoption. He has experiences as lecture for more then ten years. His works have been published in national and international journal and conferences.

Jasmir Jasmir, STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa

Jasmir was born in Kerinci Jambi Indonesia. His research interesting includes Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining and Big Data Social Media. He has experiences more than fifteen years as lecture at STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa. His publication has been published in National Conference and National Journal

Dodo Zaenal Abidin, STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa

Dodo Zaenal Abidin was born in Kuningan West Java Indonesian. His research interesting includes Machine Learning, Data Mining and Big Data Social Media. He has experiences more than fifteen years as lecture at STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa. His publication has been published in National Conference and National Journal.

Sharipuddin Sharipuddin, STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa

Sharipuddin was born in Lampung Indonesia. His research interesting includes Information System and Information Security. He has fifteen years of experience as a lecturer at STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa. His publications have been published in National Journal and International Conference


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Cara Mengutip

S. Assegaff, J. Jasmir, D. Z. Abidin, dan S. Sharipuddin, “User Behavior in Using Mobile Commerce (Scale Development: Perspective of Trust and Risk)”, TEKNOSI, vol. 3, no. 3, hlm. 320–325, Des 2017.




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